Friday, July 20, 2012

Space Planning

Space Planning: designing to accomodate all the amenities and components that will make the room most comfortable and functional for the occupants. Besides furniture and media  systems, this includes  sound and light control within the space. Furniture templates are a helpful ingredient when translating design  concepts into a physical layout.  Working with the actual physical […]

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Summer Makeovers

Does your home need a summer job? First of all, you can’t enjoy any room unless you can see it, so  clear off those counters and toss away any clutter – this barely costs a dime! Next, fresh paint is your easiest path to a dramatic change.  Try out a bold new direction, like a […]

Monday, April 16, 2012

Lighten Up

Often overlooked in critical home construction planning stages, there is no single ingredient with greater long-term influence than imaginative lighting. The best part about a thorough lighting plan is the magic you create when all main “task” light sources are extinguished, leaving only the glowing accents. At night, a home becomes a wonderland of drama […]